Comments on the Second Class-第二课堂之我见,Comments on the
Commnts on th Scond Class-第二课堂之我见,Commnts on thCommnts on th Scond Class-第二课堂之我见 Commnts on th Scond Class
My school hav put forward th ida of having th scond class so as to nlarg th studnts' viw and thir horizon of knowldg rcntly. Although many studnts doubt its function, in my opinion, thr is no doubt that w will bnfit from th scond class.
As far as I am concrnd, I hav changd a lot bcaus of th scond class. In th past I was always wrappd up in txtbooks and had fw hobbis and intrsts. Although I workd vry hard. I mad no progrss in study. Latr my tachr ncouragd m to join th School Litratur Club. In my spar tim I hav rad all kinds of nwspaprs and magazins, and larnt a lot.
Th knowldg from th class is limitd aftr all. Lt' s tak an activ part in th scond class and bcom all-round youth of th nw ag!
Commnts on th Scond Class-第二课堂之我见