字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 在长城做导游的,在长城做导游的范文


高中生作文   2025-02-27

在长城做导游的 Ladis and gntlmn,

Wlcom to th Grat Wall. Th Grat Wall of China is on of th wondrs of th world. It is on of th fw man-mad objcts on arth that can b sn on th moon. It dats from about 770 BC. It is mor than 6000 kilomtrs long, 6-7 mtrs high and 4-5 mtrs wid. All th work was don by hand. Many popl wr forcd to work on th wall. Now th Grat Wall has bcom a plac of intrst. W all know th famous Chins saying: “H who dos not rach th Grat Wall is not a tru man.” Now lt m show you around th Grat Wall. This way, Plas. 在长城做导游的

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