字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Report: Elephants are in Danger,Report: Elephants are in Dan

Report: Elephants are in Danger,Report: Elephants are in Dan

初中生作文   2025-02-17

Rport: lphants ar in Dangr,Rport: lphants ar in DanRport: lphants ar in Dangr Rport: lphants ar in Dangr

lphants ar th biggst living animals on land. Thy ar big and strong. Thy hav vry small and bright ys. Thy also hav larg and whit tth, popl oftn calld thm tusks. Thr ar no bons in th back of lphants’ ft bcaus thy ar vry fat.

lphants can at 100 to 1,000 pounds of grass in a day. Thy can liv 60~70 yars. Thy can walk on tipto in th mud asily. lphants ar big but thy can mov quitly.

lphants ar frindly towards ach othr and thy nvr attack popl. If popl train thm, thy can hlp farmrs carry th havy things.

lphants ar in dangr now! Bcaus huntrs will kill thm for thir tusks. If popl sll lphants’ tusks, thy can mak a lot of mony. If w don’t hlp ths wild animals, thy will all di soon.

Rport: lphants ar in Dangr

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