字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 学科和课程的伦理(Academic Subjects and Courses in Ethics)

学科和课程的伦理(Academic Subjects and Courses in Ethics)

高中生作文   2025-03-29

diffrnt popl hav diffrnt opinions on th importanc of acadmic subjcts and courss in thics, som popl bliv that studnts should mphasiz acadmic subjcts for th rason that th mor acadmicsubjcts thy tak up, th gratr contributions thy can mak to socity, in thir opinion, it is of no importanc at all whthr studnts tak courss in thics or not.howvr, othr popl think diffrntly, thy think that all studnts should b rquird to tak at last on cours in thics, vn if taking th cours mans spnding lss tim in acadmic subjcts, bcaus morality is indispnsabl to all who want to b prominnt in acad-mic subjcts. suppos a profssor who is famous for his acadmic achivmnts is a dishonst prson, thn no mattr how succssful h is in his acadmic arat h will not b rspctd.in my opinion, both acadmic subjcts and courss in thics ar ncssary to studnts. for on thing, acadmic subjcts mak studnts brightr and mor confidnt, for anothr thing, th courss in thics can hlp studnts adopt corrct attitud of lif.

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