字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Howto get ready for online learning

Howto get ready for online learning

初中生作文   2025-03-07

Howto gt rady for onlin larningNowadays, intrnt is modrnr and modrnr!

So, larning is not noly in school, it is also on lin! It calld "onlin larning"!

Bfor do vrything, w must gt rady for it, and "onlin larning" also nd many prparation.

Now, lt's dicuss how to gt rady for "onlin larning"! First w must hav a computr, and it can also connct to th intrnt. Scondly, w must hav a tachr. Thirdly, w also nd a small camra and an arphon with a microphon, so that th tachr can suprvis us xpdintly!

That's all! I hop, w'll larn on lin in th futur!

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