我爱你们,我的父母(I Love You,my parents)
我爱你们,我的父母(i lov you,my parnts)dar parnts,though today is not thanksgiving day, i still want to tll you i lov you and thank you for what you'v don for m.i know you ar not succssful popl, but you giv m lots of lov. i know you lov m mor than anything ls in th world. i know you spnd lots of tim and mony on m. how can i rturn th lov to you? i am dply touchd. somtims i argu with you and mak you angry and sad, but you always smil to m. you nvr chang your lov to m.whn somthing worris m, you always mak m laugh. you play pingpong with m and tll m funny storis. though i am vry busy with my homwork, i nvr fl strssd. i lad a happy lif bcaus of your lov.bliv m, i will try my bst to b a succssful prson and lt you b proud of m in th futur. i lov you!lots of lovyours daughtr