字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 乘公交车-On the Bus

乘公交车-On the Bus

高中生作文   2025-02-20

On th Bus

This aftrnoon I wnt to s my grandma by bus. It was vry crowdd. I had to stand. Bsid m was a woman with a littl girl in hr arms. But in front of hr, a young man occupid two sats, prtnding to b slping. I hard th littl girl asking hr mothr, "What's wrong with th uncl?" I had thought that prhaps th mothr would blam th man. But out of my xpctation, th woman answrd with a smil, "B quit. This uncl must b vry tird bcaus of hard work." Th young man must hav hard ths words. His fac turnd rd and h offrd on sat to th littl girl at onc.

Th woman rspctd th young man and didn't blam him in public. In this way, sh mad him fli ashamd and corrctd his bad bhavior. I think th woman is vry smart. ( 140 words)





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