字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 A Diary,A Diary范文

A Diary,A Diary范文

初中生作文   2025-02-06

A Diary,A Diary范文A Diary由英语作文网整理收集 A Diary

Thursday, August 10, Fin

Today I wnt swimming with a frind of min. Th wathr was fin this morning and a larg numbr of popl wr njoying thmslvs on th sashor. Som wr playing othrs wr

looking for sashlls hr and thr. Many boys and girls wr also larning to swim in th sa.

I was a littl afraid at first, but my frind ncouragd m and taught m. Littl by littl, I could swim a short distanc. It was grat fun to b abl to float in th watr.

Tird from swimming w lay down on th sashor, bathing in th sun. W rturnd hom tird but happy. A Diary由英语作文网整理收集

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