字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Scared the Thief Away-吓退小偷

Scared the Thief Away-吓退小偷

初中生作文   2025-02-22

Scard th Thif Away-吓退小偷 有一天,爸爸妈妈都出门去了,只剩我一个人在家。我正在做作业呢,忽然听到“咚咚咚”的声音。我想是谁敲门这么大的动静啊。我从门缝往外一看,只见一个贼头贼脑的人正拿着一把大钳子撬我家的门呢。肯定是小偷!怎么办呢?我只有一个人,肯定不是他的对手。这时我急中生智,想出了一个好办法,我大声喊了一句:“妈妈,爸爸叫你呢!”这一招果然有效,不一会小偷就吓跑了。真是邪不压正。 Scard th Thif Away

On day, mamma and dad wnt out, laving m alon at hom. I was doing my homwork suddnly I hard som sound of "Dong! Dong! Dong!"At first I thought, "Who is knocking at th door with so loud a sound?" I lookd out from th door slit and saw a man with stalthy bhavior picking th lock of th door. It was a thifl I was so frightnd that I didn't know what to do for a short tim. I was just a kid, and if h brok in, I was crtainly no match for him. Just at that momnt a good ida occurrd to m. I shoutd loudly, "Mom, dad is calling you! "Fortunatly it workd. Th thif was scard away. A bad man can nvr b wisr than a good on.

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