字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 扫雪(Snow Cleaning)

扫雪(Snow Cleaning)

初中生作文   2025-01-22

扫雪(Snow Claning)i got up arly this sunday morning. whn i wnt out, i saw vrything outsid drssd in whit. it must hav snowd last night, i thought. th road was covrd with thick snow, so it was vry hard to walk on it. popl always say that w should b mor hlpful to th socity, so ! dcidd to clan th road ,up. i kpt on shovling and swping with a spad and broom. aftr 2 hours, i finishd. th whol road was clan again, so it would b asir for popl to walk on."扫雪"英语作文译文:这个星期天早上我起得很早。我出去时发现外面一片雪白。晚上一定下雪了,我想。马路被厚厚的雪盖上了,人们走在上面肯定很艰难。平时总听人说要做一个对社会有用的人,因此我打算把马路上的雪清扫干净。我手里拿着铁锨和扫帚不停地铲啊,扫啊。整整干了两个钟头。马路终于又像平时那样平坦整洁了,这样人们走在上面就不费力了。

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