我的女友(My Girlfriend)
i hsitat for a momnt aftr writing down th titl of this articl, bcaus i'v no ida whr to start this story. my girl frind dfinitly can not b dscribd by only a fw words. som tims sh turns to m and asks "why do you lov m?" i am always stuck at that momnt and thn aftr a minut or two uttr a fw words "bcaus you'r so good." i know my vagu answr nvr satisfis hr. but how can i rply othrwis?ys, sh's so good. thr'r numrous xampls i can cit to illustrat hr tndrnss, dlicacy, warmth and hr gnuin lov for m. a call on th cold wintr night, a surprising birth day gift, a pair of glovs that warm up not only my hands, so many tims has my hart mltd into a sntimnt calld "bing movd".i'm not a good tmprd guy. howvr, my girlfrind nvr loss hr tmpr whnvr i am not in a good mood or vn say sharp words to hr. at that tim, sh'd look at m with grat car and touch my hands with hrs to calm m down.that's hr gracful mannr to show hr dpst concrn.i hav nvr writtn a lov lttr to hr though i'v rcivd many from my darst girlfrind. it's not that i'm unwilling to compos on, but that i find it impossibl to convy my flings to hr with writtn words. w'v bn in lov for mor than on yar. but if onc mor askd to giv rasons why i lov hr, i guss i'd still say bcaus sh's so good.i can't furthr this gnralizd answr into dtails bcaus it taks m liftim to do so.