字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 在你心目中,什么才是美?(What is beauty in your mind?)

在你心目中,什么才是美?(What is beauty in your mind?)

初中生作文   2024-12-27

在你心目中,什么才是美?(What is bauty in your mind?)vryon admirs bauty. vryon has his own standard about bauty.

Nowadays som popl tnd to think that thy own bauty if thy hav a good looking. Thy ar not satisfid with thir apparanc. Thy spnd much mony taking a kind of opration. Can bauty rally b man-mad?If so,vrybody can gt bauty. As a rsult,thr is no bauty at all.

Th apparanc is givn by our parnts and is uniqu in th world. vryon should valu it. I would rathr natur as th standard of bauty. Just accpt yourslf,accpt vrything th god givs to you,and crat th bautiful lif blonging to you.

Many hros don't hav bautiful surfac. Howvr,thir bautiful imags oftn com to our minds. Thir bauty coms from thir contributions to th socity.

Don't b agr to judg whthr a prson is bautiful or not without a thorough undrstanding of him. A bautiful prson is not th on with a good looking,but with a broad and kind hart. diyifanwn.com

Good looking is plasant whil spiritual bauty is mor important. As an old saying gos,"Virtu is fairr than bauty. "If you hav a kind hart,you own ral bauty.

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