最后 ,祝小朋友们节日快乐,身体健康!祝各位家长工作顺心,万事如意!
Fllow guardians, dar childrn: Midsummr th sunlight struggls bautifully, th riotous baby carris dlightdly. Impls th baby to tach th kindrgartn which th ntrpris dvlops to clbrat " six? On " th Intrnational Childrn's Day is an objctiv. I to th child who prsnts xtnd th kind holiday rgards! Thanks th fllow guardians to b abl in tn thousand busy, xtracts th prcious tim to participat in this tim activity, this is thy th first own holiday which passd in th kindrgartn! Th happy song jok clbrats th fstival, hundrd condition thousand postur xhibition nw fac. Hr has th livly form which th childrn grow halthy and strong, hr has th childrn yarning magnificnt dram, hr has th artistic lgant dmanor which th childrn yas sprads th wings, hr has th childrn vigorous upward spiritual outlook. Through this activity, w hopd sincrly vrybody may pick up tomorrow's sun togthr. Bass in improvs baby's ovrall quality, crats ar mor, th mor spiritd ffctiv ducation form, impls thm to study, th practic, th halthy dvlopmnt. Finally, wishs th childrn holiday to b joyful, halth! Wishs th fllow guardians to work satisfactorily, good luck in vrything!