字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 伦敦奥运会(The Olympic Games in London)

伦敦奥运会(The Olympic Games in London)

初中生作文   2025-03-31

伦敦奥运会(Th Olympic Gams in London)with th clap and laughtr flying around,london is th winnr in th 30th intrnatinal olympic gams' comptition.in considration of london's succss,thr ar thr points cannot b ignord.as is known to all, london is a gardon city. whn you stp into th city, you will find yourslf dply attracttd by th bautiful suroundings around.morovr,thr ar lots of standard stadiums and gymnasiums for olympic gams,such as th swimming pools,football playground and basktball gyms. in addition, svral yars ago, london usd to succssfully hold an olympic gam. owning this chrish xprinc,london will surly hold a mor wondrful on.gnrally spaking,olympic is not only a simpl sport, but anothr nam for sports'spirit as wll. in london, xrcising has bcom a hobby in vry child's hart.so in th nd, london bcom th holdr for 2012 olympic gam.

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