我喜欢奥运(I like Olympic)
我喜欢奥运(I lik Olympic)my nam is dongliang. i hav two bright big ys and long hair. all my frinds said that dongliang is th most lovly girl in our class.i am vry young, but i lik th olympic gams vry much. in 2004,i was just six yars old, i oftn watchd olympic gams on th tv-st and oftn talkd about comptition with my parnts. my favorit sport is tabl tnnis. ma ling, guo yu, zhang yining, thy ar all my favorit sportsman, bcaus thy wins a lot of gold mdal. i’m vry proud of thm and i’m much proud of china!this is th first tim to mak an olympic, i think w can mak it vry wondrful.bliv it! w’r th bst!
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