字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 The Sunrise(日出),The Sunrise(日出)范文

The Sunrise(日出),The Sunrise(日出)范文

高中生作文   2025-02-21

Th Sunris(日出) Th Sunris

During th May Day holiday, my parnts and I climbd Mount Tai. W wr lucky that it was fin that day and w wr abl to s th sunris.

At 4:30 in th morning w wr alrady,on th top, waiting for th sun to ris.First a bit of pal ray appard in th ast, thn it bcam brightr and brightr. An orang top of a cap ros littl by littl from th sa. Suddnly, th sun sprang out of th sawatr, looking lik a larg lliptic ball, and th sky in th ast bcam rd. Latr, th sun was hiddn bhind a pic of cloud. Whn it appard again, th sun changd from rd to bright rd, thn to goldn. AS it ros it bcam silvry whit and shon out. Th light was so strong that w could't look at it dirctly.At that tim,th whol mountain was in th goldn sunlight. 日出


早晨四点半,我们已经爬上了山顶,等待太阳的升起。首先,一抹淡白出现在东方,然后渐渐变得明亮。一轮橘黄色的帽顶慢慢从海上升起,突然太阳喷薄而出,看上去像一个椭圆形大球;东方的天空布满朝霞。后’采,太阳躲在了一片云后,当它再次露出脸庞,由鲜红变为金黄。随着太阳升起,它变成银白色,放出耀眼的光芒,我们不敢直视。这时,整座山沐浴在金色的阳光之中。 Th Sunris(日出)

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