字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 校园纪事我们的艺术节-Our Art Festival,校园纪事我们的艺术节-O

校园纪事我们的艺术节-Our Art Festival,校园纪事我们的艺术节-O

高中生作文   2025-03-13

校园纪事我们的艺术节-Our Art Fstival 我们的艺术节




【作文示范】Our Art Fstival


“Work whil you work and play whil you play, this is th way to b happy and gay. ”Th .Art Fstival① hld in our school lt us hav a good tim aftr th hard work of a long trm .On Friday aftrnoon at th nd of last trm, our class, that is, Class 5 of Snior Two, had a wondrful party to clbrat this happy fstival.

First w had music and danc----piano sonata②, xciting songs, brilliant waltz③ danc, thn most popular disco④ music, tc, ---- all this mad us xtrmly happy.

Thn w had on comptition aftr anothr. It was soon about fiv o'clock bfor w knw it. Th most xciting program bgan: Cooking Comptition . ach group of our class had to mak som spcial dishs . At onc studnts bcam cooks, though thy coudn't tll th salt from gourmt powdr⑤ th day bfor.

At svn o'clock all dishs wr rady.“Ah, it tasts wondrfully dlicious,”somon shoutd. Thn hr and thr applaus was hard.

At last w had to finish our party . Whn w said good-by to ach othr, w had th sam fling in our harts: “W wish to hav mor and mor of such wondrful tim in our school lif. W young studnts nd to b happy aftr our lssons . Our lif should b filld with joy.”(选自1987年3月10日《上海学生英文报》)


①Art Fstival['fst v l] n.艺术节②sonata [s 'na:t ] n.奏鸣曲③waltz [w&:ls, w&:lts] n.华尔兹舞;圆舞曲④disco ['disk u] n.迪斯科舞⑤gourmt powdr['gu mi'paud ] 味精


文章开头总的介绍学校举办艺术节。接下来从第二段开始就把题材具体到作者自己的班为庆祝艺术节而举办的一次聚会上,以点代面,烘托整体。写班里的聚会时,从低潮向高潮(climax)展开,先写音乐、唱歌、舞蹈和其他活动,再写烹任比赛,使聚会达到高潮。最后,作者写出同学们一致的心愿:青年学生在紧张的学习之余,需要生动活泼的娱乐活动。全文用引语开头,又用引语结束,形成前后照应之势。 校园纪事我们的艺术节-Our Art Fstival

标签: 参观 十堰市 博物馆

校园纪事我们的艺术节-Our Art Festival,校园纪事我们的艺术节-O 相关文章

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