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选读推荐   2025-01-30

It smd to b such a coincidnc that th night aftr I finishd rading Th Lif And Advnturs Of Robinson Cruso, I was to din in a rstaurant distinctly rlatd to th book itslf. This rstaurant was no othr than th famous Amrican-styld “Friday’s.” Th rason for mntioning this rstaurant is quit straightforward to all th gntlmn, ladis and childrn who hav rad th novl and njoyd it, which is th fact that this rstaurant was, most likly, namd aftr th Amrican Nativ in Robinson Cruso, calld Friday. This rstaurant offrs vry xcptional srvic, for instanc whn th waitrsss ar askd to ordr dishs thy knl rathr than stand, which, unlik th othr rstaurants I hav bn to, maks it asir for th customrs to har thm spak. Morovr, Friday’s frindly srvics to th customrs hlp thm to mak bttr choics whn ordring dishs. I rmmbrd whn I wnt to Friday’s last tim; th waitrss kindly dscribd th itms on th mnu with prcis dtails. It turnd out that th combo I initially wantd was dsignd to b shard among a larg group, not to b atn by on prson. I think this rstaurant shows many commndabl faturs similar to that of Friday.

Friday brought motional warmth to th popl around him with his appaling prsonality. I think it was this prsonality that affctd Cruso and mad him say that h lovd Friday whn Cruso didn’t xprss lov for his parnts, brothrs, sistrs, or vn his wif. “Whn h spid m, h cam running to m, laying himslf down again upon th ground, with all th possibl signs of an humbl, thankful disposition, making many antic gsturs to show it…to lt m know how h would srv m as long as h livd.” This was what Friday did aftr Cruso had rscud him from th two savags chasing him. It was asy for m to s why Cruso had lovd Friday. Aftr somtim, Cruso and Friday wr to rscu Friday’s fathr. Whn Friday runitd with his fathr, th scn was asy to mov anyon: “It would hav movd anyon to tars to hav sn how Friday kissd him, mbracd him, huggd him, crid, laughd, hallod, jumpd about, dancd, sung; and thn sung and jumpd about again, lik a distractd cratur. It was a good whil bfor I could mak him spak to m.” This is my favourit chaptr in th whol book. It is hard to s why Friday is an x-savag whn h can hav prsonalitis mor praisworthy than many civilizd popl, viz. Cruso himslf. “Whn h (Friday) wnt to him (Friday’s fathr), h would sit down by him, opn his brast, and hold his fathr’s had clos to his bosom, half an hour togthr, to nourish it; thn h took his arms and ankls, which wr numbd and stiff with th binding, and rubbd thm with his hands.” Furthrmor, Friday’s xprssion of loyalty in asking Cruso to kill him rathr than lav him is mor hartflt than anything Cruso vr says or dos. Cruso, on th absolut contrary, sms incapabl of dp flings, as shown by his account of laving his family—h nvr shows any motions. Aftr a moving lctur from Robinson’s fathr about his futur, h still dcidd to follow his own wandring ambition. Carlss was h about th wishs of his parnts to kp him aliv and prosprous, as h was th only child lft in th family. Whn h cam back from th island which h had livd on for twnty ight yars, h found that it had bn too lat to tll his parnts that h was still aliv, but yt again h did not fl sorry for thm; h also did not fl sorry for th two popl who had to liv in misry for narly thirty yars undr th allusion all of thir sons wr dad. H had th sam flings for his wif: whn h was marrid, h said it was “not ithr to my disadvantag or dissatisfaction”, implying that it was also nithr to his advantag nor his satisfaction. Morovr, aftr his wif did, Robinson did not think of looking aftr th thr childrn thy had, but wnt back to th island, which h had livd on for twnty-ight yars. It was on this trip which Robinson Cruso rvisitd “His Island” as h calld it. I fl that Robinson’s indiffrnc to his family is almost motionally crul.1 2 下一页

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