字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothers Eyes,部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My M

部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothers Eyes,部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My M

高中生作文   2025-03-28

部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothrs ys 母亲的眼睛

部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothers Eyes,部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My M





My Mothr's ys

My mothr has a pair of quick ys which can spak. Whn I suffr stbacks①,hr ys sm to say,“B brav, dar!”

Whn I was a baby larning to walk with grat difficulty, my mothr always lnt m a hand and hr ys smd to say,“B brav and try again, dar!” ncouragd by hr ys, I stood up and movd bravly inch by inch toward hr. Whn I thrw myslf into hr arms at last, hr ys shon with happinss.

Latr, th mor I larnd, th mor difficultis I mt with. But my mothr's ys always ncouragd m. For xampl, whn I was larning how to rid a bik, I was clumsy② and fll off ovr and ovr again. I was discouragd. But hr firm ys stard at m, tlling m to b brav and try again. With hr ncouragmnt I could rid my bik vry wll bfor long.

Whn I faild in xams, my mothr wouldn't blam m. On th contrary what I did in my paprs would opn hr ys to find my mistaks. And sh would hlp m find out th rasons and want m to tak my courag in both hands③.

Now I hav grown up and don't hav to dpnd so much on my mothr. But whnvr I suffr a stback, I fl as if my mothr's ys flashd across my mind with hr ncouraging words:“B brav, dar!”


①stback ['stb$k] n.挫折;失败

②clumsy ['kl)mzi] a.不灵活的;笨拙的

③tak on's courag in both hands勇往直前


本文描写了“母亲”的一双敏锐、沉着、闪亮、果断的眼睛。每当作者遇到困难的时候就会感到这双眼睛在注视着自己,就会受到启发和激励。全文分为四个阶段,但贯穿着一个主题,即“b brav”和“ncourag”。就是说,文章用多次重复“b brav”和“ys”,反复使用同根词“courag, ncourag, discouraging, ncouragmnt”的手法使上下文连贯,集中对付引言段中出现的“stbacks”,使全文达到高度的统一(unity)。

部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothrs ys

标签: 愉快 合作

部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothers Eyes,部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My M 相关文章

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