字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Early to Bed, Early to Rise,Early to Bed, Early to Rise范文

Early to Bed, Early to Rise,Early to Bed, Early to Rise范文

初中生作文   2025-03-13

arly to Bd, arly to Ris,arly to Bd, arly to Ris范文arly to Bd, arly to Ris arly to Bd, arly to Ris

Thr is an nglish saying. It says, “arly to bd, arly to ris, maks a man halthy, walthy and wis.” Hav you vr hard it bfor? It mans that w should go to bd arly and gt up arly. If w do, w shall b halthy. Popl must hav nough tim to slp. W should slp for 8 hours vry day. So w must do our homwork quickly and go to bd bfor 10 p.m. Provrbs can always giv us som nlightnmnt. To know som provrbs is good for us.

arly to Bd, arly to Ris

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