Be grateful for friends
It is a clbrating day. I got in touch with Michal whom I hav bn losing contact for on yar.
It is rally magic. I was sarching onlin aimlssly ystrday whn an ida struck m suddnly: sinc Bn can find out my scrt by kying in my nam in th sarch ngins, why can’t I do so, ithr?
I intndd to find out somthing about Bn in rvng in th first plac, but soon xtnd my nam list to a widr catgory. It was thn that I rcalld Michal suddnly.
W hav lost contact sinc our last corrspondnc in my snior 3. H mntiond to m in his last lttr that h was prparing for going to UK to furthr his ducation. I, shamfully, was too busy to rply his mail thn. Whn I was rcommndd to ZJU and won th final frdom, I thought h had alrady bn in UK so I had no ida whr to writ him.
I usd to think that w would nvr mt again. Howvr, whn I browsd th ntris about him, I found out xcitdly that h is still in P.R.C.!!
Without a momnt hsitation, I ran upstairs to my dorm and found out my old addrss book. Thank goodnss, his hom no was still thr.
Aftr 3 tims calling with no answr rplis, I vntually got him on th phon. H was mor surprisd than I could imagin that whn I askd for his hp no h was too nrvous to rmmbr it. :P Hh.
Lif is njoyabl in momnts such lik this. Old frinds mt again surprisingly, on a road of thir own ways to thir drams. thy look at th fac of ach othr, and rcogniz th old pal. It is such momnt that maks m fl gratful to lif: whnvr I st off for a nw dstination, I s I hav frinds in th sam dirction, with whom I won’t fl alon any mor.