我的朋友有不同的爱好(The friends has different hobbies)
我的朋友有不同的爱好(Th frinds has diffrnt hobbis)Hllo, my nam is Lisa. I'm thirtn yars old. I hav many hobbis. I lik to listn to music, rad books and sing songs. But my favourit hobby is rading books.I lik to rad diffrnt books. I rad comic books in th morning, bcaus th comic th study whil my parnts ar watching TV. In a word, I rad diffrnt books all day long.I hav a frind. Hr nam is Molly. Sh diffrs from m in hobbis. Sh liks singing vry much. Sh sings all day long.Sh bgins singing whn sh’s in bd. Sh sings whil hr brakfast, lunch and dinnr. Sh sings whil sh walks. Sh sings vn in th washroom.I hop sh will b abl to b a good singr in th futur.
我的朋友有不同的爱好(The friends has different hobbies) 相关文章
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