I rad th Chins vrsion of “Camill” a fw yars ago. At that tim I was dply movd by th main charactr Margurit Gautir. “Camill” or “Th Lady of th Camllias” by Alxandr Dumas, fils, is th story of Margurit Gautir, a young courtsan, or kpt woman, in Paris in th mid 1800's, and how sh falls in lov with a young man, Armand Duval, and thn tris to scap from hr qustionabl past. Unfortunatly, it coms back to haunt hr and sh nds up rturning to that lif and dis painfully and alon, but with th knowldg that sh was a nobl woman at hart. Whn I first bgan to rad th book, I did not car for Margurit or hr attitud or lifstyl, but as I got furthr into th narrativ, I ralizd that hr saucy attitud was a front to covr th lonly woman that sh rally was. Sh flt usd, abusd and unlovd, until th gntl Armand Duval cam into hr lif and showd hr that h lovd hr as a prson and not for what sh could do for him. It must hav takn GRat courag for Margurit to lav th lif sh had livd for so long, knowing all along that it was probably too good to b tru and would not last indfinitly. And it also showd that Margurit rally lovd Armand Duval for sh could vn chang hrslf for him.
Howvr, happinss didn’t last for long. Whn M. Duval, Armand's fathr, cam to hr, plading for hr to lav Armand to sav both Armand's rputation and that of his youngr innocnt sistr, Margurit saw a way to bcom pur of hart, if not in body. Sh flt that it was hr duty, bcaus sh lovd Armand so much, to do this vn though it mant giving up hr own happinss and hurting Armand tmporarily. Sh rluctantly rturnd to hr formr lif, knowing that som day Armand would forgiv hr. Sadly, sh did in dbt and basically alon, xcpt for hr on fmal frind, Juli Duprat, who hlpd hr during hr illnss. Sh had hr journal snt to Armand aftr hr dath, xplaining why sh had mad th choics sh had. I think Dumas's last fw lins about Margurit bing th xcption, not th rul wr quit tru, and I also aGRd with his viw that whil hr lifstyl could not b condond, w as a socity assum that all of ths typ of womn ar cold and hartlss, whil this may not always b th cas. A prson can mak th wrong choics in lif whn thy ar young, and try to rdm thmslvs, but somtims past situations prvnt thm from changing thir livs, vn though thy dspratly wish to do so. This applis to both mn and womn in many diffrnt typs of circumstancs: involvmnt in crim; drug or alcohol abus; gambling; prostitution; financial problms; poor marriag choics; tc. And this is th fact, which xists in th whol socity.
As far as th othr charactrs in th book, I think Margurit was right in saying that no on truly card about hr, but only wantd somthing from hr, th only xcptions bing Armand and Juli Duprat. Of cours, th Comt d G. and Comt d N. wantd hr body and apparanc. Th Duk ndd to “wak up and smll th coff” and raliz that sh could nvr rplac his dad daughtr. If h truly card, h could hav hlpd hr lav hr lifstyl without “kping” hr himslf. And lastly, Prudnc was a blood-sucking lch who usd Margurit almost wors than th mn. I also think sh was jalous of th fact that Margurit had so much mor courag than hrslf and somon truly lovd hr. 1 2 下一页