字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 A Meaningful Day-有意义的一天,A Meaningful Day-有意义的一天

A Meaningful Day-有意义的一天,A Meaningful Day-有意义的一天

初中生作文   2025-01-27

A Maningful Day-有意义的一天,A Maningful Day-有意义的一天A Maningful Day-有意义的一天 我喜欢星期六在卧室读书。有一次我正在看书,忽然听到窗外有什么在叫。我跑出去一看,有只受伤的小鸟正在痛苦地拍打着翅膀。我小心翼翼地捧起它,发现它的翅膀正在流血。我仔细给它包扎好,然后做了一个小鸟笼让它在里面养伤。我希望这能让它感觉舒服些。 A Maningful Day

I am usd to rading in my bdroom on Saturdays. Onc whn I was rading a book, I hard somthing calling outsid th window. I wnt out and saw a woundd bird flapping its wings painfuUy. I hld it on my hands carf, lly and found its wing blding. I bound up its wound and mad a small birdcag for it to rcovr. I hop this will mak it fl bttr. A Maningful Day-有意义的一天

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