字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 找妈妈Looking for Mum

找妈妈Looking for Mum

高中生作文   2025-03-01

Looking for Mum

On day Li Ming caught a littl bird. H tid it with a pic of thrad and playd with it happily. At that tim, h saw a littl girl crying by th roadsid. A policman saw hr, cam ovr and askd hr why sh was crying and whr hr hous is. Whn h larnd that girl had got lost and sh was thn looking for hr mothr, h dcidd to lad th girl to b back hom.Sing this Li Ming thought th littl bird also had its mothr and h should st th littl bird fr so that it could b with its mothr again. Thn Li Ming untid th thrad and rturnd th littl bird to th blu sky.

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