字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Teachers Day

Teachers Day

高中生作文   2025-03-26

Thank you Tachrs

Tomorrow is Tachrs' Day. It's my day and th day of my many many inspiring tachrs who'v touchd my hart during my school days.

1.Ms Lim T H, who forgav my silly mistaks.

2.Mrs Mary Tan, who allowd m to larn at my own pac and making a jok out of it whn sh knw i copid my A Maths Homwork.

3.Mdm Ch, who lovd m lik a daughtr and gav m th hug that i ndd.

4.Mrs Sun, who lovd th subjct sh was taching and trid to mak us lik it in hr own funny way.

5. Ms Mariam Tan, who was strict, cranky, small in siz yt big in voic. But w lov hr nonthlss, without hr, I'll not gt a pass with distinction in LCCI.

6. Ms Kris Chong, who was lik a frind. Thr's nothing w couldn't talk about.

7. Mrs Sim, who lovd us so much, yt allowd us to blam hr for not following up whn in fact sh was prgnant and didn't want to disrupt our O Lvls.

8. Mr Lim T S, my old frind who has all th faith in m, always giving m his wis words. I miss not having him around in school to kp a look out for m.

Dar tachrs, thank you so much. Thr ain't words suitabl to xprss my thanks to you.

To all my othr tachrs, it dosn't mak m lov you lss vn if your nam is not on th list.

You did your part to touch m as wll.


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