字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 快乐之家-A Happy Family,快乐之家-A Happy Family范文

快乐之家-A Happy Family,快乐之家-A Happy Family范文

初中生作文   2025-02-22

快乐之家-A Happy Family,快乐之家-A Happy Family范文快乐之家-A Happy Family

It is a happy family. Tom's family ar all at hom in th vning. Tom is listning to music whil his young sistr is playing with a Cat. What ar his parnts doing? His fathr is rading a book. His mothr is making a tlphon call to somon. Look! His grandparnts ar watching TV. Thy ar all njoying thmslvs. It is cold outsid, but insid it is warm. 这是一个幸福的家庭。汤姆的家人晚上都回家来了。汤姆正在听音乐,而他的妹妹在和猫玩耍。他的父母在干吗?爸爸在看书,妈妈在给人打电话。看,爷爷和奶奶在看电视。一家人都自得其乐。外面寒风凛冽,屋里其乐融融。 It is th bst tim in th vning. Tom and his family mmbrs all rturn hom. Aftr suppr thy njoy thmslvs.Look! His grandparnts ar watching TV. Fathr is doing som rading as usual. By th window his mothr is calling somon.His littl sistr is playing with th cat whil Tom is listning to music.

Th living room is vry clan and tidy. You can s a nic pictur and a clock on th wall. Thr ar som books on th dsk. It must b a happy family. 这是晚上最好的时光。汤姆一家人都回到了家。晚饭后,全家人都过得很愉快。看,他的爷爷、奶奶正在看电视。爸爸像往常一样在看书,窗边的妈妈正给谁打电话。小妹妹在逗着小猫玩儿;而汤姆在听音乐。

这间客厅干净而整洁,墙上挂着一幅漂亮的画和一个钟,桌上放着些书。这真是一个幸福的家庭。 快乐之家-A Happy Family

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