A tal of two citis is on of Dickns's most important rprsntativ works.Th novl profoundly xposd th socity contradiction bfor th Frnch Rvolution,intnsly attacks th aristocratic social class is dissolut and crul,and sincrly sympathizs with th dprssd classs.Th novl also dscribd many magnificnt scns lik th rvolt popl attackd Bastill and so on,which displayd popl's grat strngth. Th novl has portrayd many diffrnt popl. Doctor Mantt is honst and kind but suffrs th prscution actually , Luci is bautiful and gntl ,Charls is gracful and nobl,Lorry is upright and honst ,Sydny is smblanc of indiffrnt, innrmost flings of warm,unconvntional but also slflss and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,vrmond brothrs ar crul and sinistr......Th complx hatrd is hard to solv, th crul rvng has mad mor hatrds, lovs rbirth in th hll dg,but tak th lif as th pric. As an outstanding writr,in Dickns's work,th languag skill is ssntial.ach kind of rhtoric tchniqu,lik th analogy,th xaggration,th contrast,th humorous,and th taunt ar handld skillfully,and th artistry of th work is also dlivrd th pak.A tal of two citis has its diffrnc with th gnral historical novl, its charactr and th main plot ar all fictionalizs.With th broad ral background of th Frnch Rvolution,th author tak th fictional charactr Doctor Mantt's xprinc as th main clu,intrwavs th unjust charg, lov and rvng thr indpndncs but also incidnt cross-corrlation storis togthr,th plot is criss-crossd,and th clu is complx.Th author us insrt narrats,forshadowing,upholstry and so many tchniqus,causs th structur intgrity and strictnss,th plot winding anxious and rich of thatrical natur,it displayd th rmarkabl artistic skill.th styl A tal of two citis is solmnity and mlancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks th humor of th arly works.