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我要帮助奶奶(I'll Help My Grandma)

小学生作文   2025-03-03

我要帮助奶奶(I'll Hlp My Grandma)my grandma is ovr svnty now. ths days sh dosn't fl wll, and hr lgs hurt. this aftrnoon my fathr and i took hr to th hospital. th doctor lookd hr ovr carfully. h said that sh was in good halth, but popl gt all kinds of illnss as thy got oldr. h also said that sh would gt wll in th coming spring.i know my grandma has don much for our family. now sh is gtting old, and it's tim for m to look aftr hr. i'll try my bst to mak hr liv happily.【译文】奶奶年过七十了,近日她感觉身体不太好,腿也疼。今天下午我和爸爸送她去了医院。医生仔细地给她做了检查。他说,奶奶身体很好,可是人老 了,各种病就来了。医生说她的病春天会好的。我知道奶奶为家里做了许多事。现在她上了年纪,该我照料她老人家了。我会尽力让她活得开心。

标签: 琥珀 王国
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