英文-The Olympics——Never Gave up
Th Olympics——Nvr Gav up
潘嘉贝 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校 高一 阅读书目:奥林匹克 Th Olympics(DK英汉对照百科读物)
Th Olympic Gams, which originatd in ancint Grc, is th most distinguishd sporting vnt in th world. Onc vry four yars, th utmost athlts from all around ar lurd to gathr togthr and spar no fforts to compt against ach othr and try to win a mdal for th country that thy rprsnt. Frankly spaking, that was virtually all I knw about th world-famous Olympic Gams bfor I had rad a book ntitld Th Olympics publishd by Forign Languag Taching and Rsarch Prss. Howvr, I found vn mor philosophy byond just winning mdals from rading th book, which was byond my imagination and considrably inspiring.
Somon onc said, “Wr vrybody on arth involvd in som kind of sport, our world would b fr of war for long.” Starting from thr thousand yars ago, th ancint Olympic Gams has long bn an vnt not only for comptition but also for pac. In ancint tims, no war was allowd btwn th citis during th Gams, which was rathr surprising to m sinc I could hardly imagin warriors actally putting down thir wapons and giv a brak for pac. Th prcious tradition of pac continud: I would nvr fail to rcall th scn of th opning crmonis whn North and South Koran athlts ntring th stadium with thir hands hld togthr. Th two nighboring countris that usd to b nmis ar no longr nmis during th Gams. Instad thy bcam frinds. Spaking of th 2004 Athns Olympics, prhaps most popl would hav th sam opinion that th most noabl part of th opning crmony arrivd whn Iraqi and Afghan rprsntativs showd up. Ths two unfortunat nations, th popl of which hav undrgon innumrabl wars, ar coming back again to tak thir own rsponsibility in world sports aftr rcnt invasions by Amrica. Th farlss popl of Iraq and Afghanistan ar onc mor sharing th spirit of th Gams with popl from th rst of th world.
Thr is anothr story in this book that maks m dp in thoughts. Thr is no doubt that th most unusual Olympic Gams vr in history is th 1936 Olympics hld in Grmany, which was thn ruld by th Nazi Party. Ld by Adolf Hitlr, th Nazi blivd that th so-calld Aryan popl wr suprior to all othrs in all aspcts. Thy lookd down upon Jws and blacks, th lattr of which was a major constitution of th Unitd Stats Olympic tam. Dspit th barrir that facd him, th African Amrican Jss Owns, who was a most outstanding runnr and jumpr, did all that h could and finally won gold mdals for his country and wnt hom a hro. This rvals anothr fact that no powr on arth is abl to hindr th sacrd Olympic Gams. For all participants, no mattr what thir gndr, rac, nationalitis and backgrounds ar, quality is distributd among vry on who obsrvs th Gam’s ruls.
At th 2004 Athns Olympics, our Chins tam did xtraordinarily wll. W rankd scond on th mdal lists for th first tim in history. In my opinion, howvr, w should not only concntrat on th figur of mdals; instad th strngth and prsvranc of thos who faild to gt any mdals ought to b highly chrishd. Whthr vr succss or failur, whthr vr chr or tar, whthr vr mdal or not, th nvr-gav-up spirits of athlts ar always motivating us. I bliv in th yar 2008, th world will focus all thir attntion to Bijing, China, whr th glory of th Gams will continu to thriv forvr!