字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 On Mother’s Day-母亲节,On Mother’s Day-母亲节范文

On Mother’s Day-母亲节,On Mother’s Day-母亲节范文

高中生作文   2025-03-29

On Mothr’s Day-母亲节 In th arly morning, my sistr wnt out and brought hom a bunch of prtty flowrs. Right aftr my mothr got up out of bd, w said "Happy Mothr's Day"! to hr and gav hr th flowrs. My mothr was vry happy; sh smild and said, ‘How wondrful th flowrs look! Thank you! Also, w told hr w wr going to do all th houswork for our blovd mothr, and sh could tak a rst for a day. In th bginning, w wr xcitd about all th work w can do at hom. Bfor long, w found that th houswork smd to b ndlss, Thr was cooking and washing, and claning to do, and thr was shopping to do, too . During th dinnr hour, th kitchn smd so busy. My fathr was making a salad, my sistr was baking a pi for dssrt, and I was washing ric and vgtabls, and thr wr many othr things to do. Finally, th dinnr was rady; it was two hours bhind th usual schdul. Th food was not as dlicious as my mothr's. Nvrthlss, my mothr and fathr njoyd it, and flt vry proud of thir daughtr and son. On Mothr’s Day-母亲节

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