I have a dream
Slction of xcllnt compositions from Scinc ClassI hav a dram1) By Xia Mingyu ,Class 29Whn I was a small child,I’d lov to gaz at th blu sky,Waiting for my favorit cloud,With spcial thought flying high.Dram of gaining plnty of happinss and nvr cry.,As I’m brought up,Gradually I got into th mystrious night,Fling th cold air touching my hair,And th bautiful darknss in front of my ys.Bing an xplorr of th dark cam quickly to my mind.Thn I’m growing to maturity,Facing and challnging much mor difficulty,But I still wondr th night and th moon shining.My dram is changing and changing,All about th moon--a larg of knowldg.And always,I think most of th stars at night,Thy ar shining in th night sky nchantingly,And showing my wondrful dram clarly,--Us its own light to warm up th world!2)By Zhang Yuyu, Class 29If somon asks my idalI will rplyI want to go to Tsing-Hua UnivrsityWant to go to famous ntrpriss to put my own talnt to good usWant to b wll-paid through workingThy ar only som idalsThy ar only normal things that vryon wants to gtBut my dram--- Dram---such a holy and statly wordGiv vry rrant hart a warm homI dram of having a sa whn I am gtting oldWith no nois and no hurly-burlyOnly a vast saTh sa which has mltd all common customs and fam and gainI want to walk along th long coastlinLook at th colorful shllfish rsting on th sa bachJust lik riotous happinss in th pastI look silntly, and thn rmmbr silntly But nvr think of picking thm upAs I am afraid of braking th tranquilitySit down whn I fl tirdPil up my small castl gntly with th soft sandS th wavs run to flood thmTak thir trac away whil rtrating Thn I will smil unfignd Sa---It’s my ral castlWhn I can’t walk any longrI will stand in fac of saxprinc th illusion that spring is in th airAnd th flowrs ar in blossomAsk for th sa brzTo hlp m snd my blssing to vryonLt flood tid and low tid tak my into my castl.3). By Linq Tan, Class 30I had a dram during my childhood. I was agr to bcom a computr nginr who spnt most of his own liftim with diffrnt kinds of programs and circuits. My mothr mad m vry intrstd in computrs whn I was young, so I oftn imagind that I could crat invntions to fill popl’s lif with happinss.If to achiv a dram lik that is impossibl, I would bcom intrstd in math instad of computrs. It’s asy to lost onslf in th rapidly growing computr industry, a so-calld bubbl conomy. Compard with that, I want to giv myslf to th world of math without utilitarianism. A scintist will not b judgd by th mony h has arnd in total.If to achiv a dram lik that is impossibl, I would hold up my fountain pn and shar my attitud towards th world in my articls as a writr. To fl th world and popl around m will improv my mind. I will bcom imprssibl and wis whn writing. To us bautiful words to knit sntncs is bttr than studying with cold numbrs.本作文共5页,当前在第1页12345