字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Youth


初中生作文   2025-02-28

Youth coms only onc in a liftim, thrfor, it is important that w should not wast thos yars in idlnss and bad living. This is also th tim whn our mmoris ar bst.W ar abl to larn mor during this tim than whn w bcom oldr. During our youngr yars, w hav th nthusiasm to st high goals for ourslvs. W also try to ovrcom obstacls which ar placd in our way. If w raliz how prcious youth is, w will b fulfilld whn w ar young as wll as whn w ar oldr. If w wast our youth, w will spnd th rst of our livs wishing w could b young again.

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