Do We Need Space Exploration(我们是否需要太空探索)
Do W Nd Spac xploration
Man has bn fascinatd by outr spac for thousands of yars. It has bn almost ovr forty yars sinc man's first landing on th moon. Now, som popl bliv that spac xploration is a shr wast of tim and mony. Thy point out th fact that it cost billions of dollars to carry on th spac rsarch, but a littl information was brought back.
Howvr, vry coin has two sids. Thr ar still a majority of othr popl who bliv that spac xploration has mor advantags. And I agr with thos popl. Many nw products, such as wathr and communication satllits, ar also products of spac programs, and thy hav bnfitd popl all ovr th world. And what's mor, scintific knowldg about outr spac has bn acquird by mankind.
W blivd that it wi!/bring mor bnfits in th futur, which w can not vn imagin now. Spac xploration is a challng to human bings. That's why svral nations try hard to carry out spac xploration continuously. 我们是否需要太空探索