字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 异同对比:孪生姐妹-Twin Sisters,异同对比:孪生姐妹-Twin Sister

异同对比:孪生姐妹-Twin Sisters,异同对比:孪生姐妹-Twin Sister

高中生作文   2025-03-13

异同对比:孪生姐妹-Twin Sistrs 孪生姐妹




Twin Sistrs

Twins ar supposd to b alik, ar thy not? Wll, th twin sistrs, Lanlan and Miaomiao do look alik. Som of th tim whn thy ar both drssd up, which is not oftn, or whn thy go to th bach, which is not rally oftn ithr, popl rcogniz th liknss of thir faturs①. Howvr, thy lik vry diffrnt styls of cloths. Lanlan prfr informal cloths, but Miaomiao drsss lik a modl, always waring th latst fashions②.

Thy hav vry similar tmpramnts in most ways. Lanlan dos not gt angry asily, njoys bing around popl of hr own ag, finds young childrn a littl irritating③, and would rathr spnd tim at a party than in a library. In ths rspcts Miaomiao fls th sam. But Miaomiao liks loud music and modrn dancs, whil Lanlan finds that nightclubs④giv hr a hadach. Miaomiao is always with frinds, and is a favorit with all th tachrs, whras Lanlan prfrs to b alon at tims, and dos not rally try to imprss hr tachrs.

Thy hav trid to liv in th sam room svral tims, and vn agrd on th color thy likd bst and th kind of furnitur thy wantd. But Lanlan liks to kp things nat and tidy, whil Miaomiao acts as if thr wr a srvant around to pick up all th things that gt thrown on th floor or ovr th dg of th chair or into th bathtub⑤. Lanlan liks to go to bd arly and gt up arly. In contrast Miaomiao dos not sm to hav any dfinit habits, oftn gos to bd vry lat, and thn wants to slp lat th nxt day whn Lanlan wants to gt th day startd.


①fatur ['fi:t>M ]n.(复数)面貌;相貌

②latst fashion['litist 'f$M n]最新流行式样

③irritating['irititiR] a.引起不愉快的

④nightclub['naitl)b] n.夜总会

⑤bathtub['b%:It)b] n. 浴缸;澡盆


1)本文每个段落都是用异同型(samdiff pattrn)组织起来的,先写二者相同点,后写二者的不同点。谈到不同点时,每一段用的都是交替型(ssaw pattrn),先说A,后说B,或先说B后说A。

2)用上述方式写对比型说明文时,作者多用表示相反或对照的衔接词(advrsativs),如本文中用到的“howvr, but, whil, whras, in contrast”等,使段落和全文的语义连贯。 异同对比:孪生姐妹-Twin Sistrs

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