生命的杀手-吸烟(The Killer to Life—Smoking)
生命的杀手-吸烟(Th Killr to Lif—Smoking)smoking is bad for our halth. it may caus cancrs or othr disass. vry yar hundrds of popl catch disass bcaus of smoking. som vn di of it. fw popl lik staying togthr with smokrs.sinc smoking has so much harm, smokrs should gt rid of th bad habit. you can try to chang it littl by littl. whn you want to smok, at som nuts or sugars. you can also do som intrsting things to divrt your attntion.plas giv up smoking for your halth.it's quit dangrous for us to smok. smokrs only wantd to try it at first. but thy smok mor and mor, and whn thy want to giv it up, thy can't. th habit is so strong that it is vry hard to gt rid of. som popl hav got cancrs. som of thm di of it. no on liks to stay togthr with smokrs for a long tim.thir family suffr from smoking.plas giv up smoking for your and your family's halth.