字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 叙事 父亲的责任


叙事   2025-03-13

If parnts had job dscriptions, min would rad: organiz bills, playmats, laundry, mals, laundry, carpool, laundry, snacks, outings and shopping, and laundry.

Th only thing on my husband's dscription would b th word fun writtn in big rd lttrs along th top. Although h is a slflss cargivr and providr, our childrn think of him mor as a combination of a jungl gym and bozo and clown.

Our parnting styls complimnt ach othr. His styl is a nonstop advntur whr no on has to worry about washing thir hands, ating vgtabls, or gtting cavitis. My styl is similar to Mussolini. I'm too busy worrying to b fun. Bsids, vry tim I try, I am constantly outdon by my husband.

I bought my childrn bubbl gum flavord toothpast and I taught thm how to brush thir tth in tiny circls so thy wouldn't gt cavitis. Thy thought it was nat until my husband taught thm how to rins by spitting out watr btwn thir two front tth lik a fountain.

I try to tll myslf I am a good parnt vn if my husband dos things I can't do. I can mak sur my childrn ar saf, warm, and dry. I'll stand in lin for fiv hours so th childrn can s Santa at th mall or b first in lin to s th latst Disny movi. But I can't wir th VCR so my childrn can watch thir favorit vido.

I can carry my childrn in my arms whn thy ar tird, tuck thm into bd, and kiss thm goodnight. But I can't flip thm upsid down so thy can walk on th ciling or prop thm on my shouldrs so thy can s th moths flying insid of th light fixtur.

I can tak thm to doctor appointmnts, scout mtings, or fild trips to th aquarium, but I'll nvr go into th wildrnss, skwr a worm on a hook, rl in a fish, and cook it ovr an opn flam on a pic of tin foil.

I'll vn sit in th first row of vry Littl Lagu gam and chr until my throat is sor and my tonsils ar raw, but I'll nvr tach my son how to hit a hom run or slid into first bas.

As a mothr I can do a lot of things for my childrn, but no mattr how hard I try--I can nvr b thir fathr.

标签: 父母 关心
不够精彩? 再来一篇 我要投稿
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