字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 The Railway Station(火车站),The Railway Station(火车站)

The Railway Station(火车站),The Railway Station(火车站)

高中生作文   2025-03-28

Th Railway Station(火车站)由英语作文网整理收集 Th Railway Station

The Railway Station(火车站),The Railway Station(火车站)

Whn I am not in a hurry, I lik to watch th othr popl thr: som ar wll drssd and som ar. not, som hav many bags and som carry only on. Always you s many childrn of all ags; thy also lik to look at vryon and vrything around thm. Somtims thr ar long lins of popl at th tickt windows and at th ntranc gats. It is intrsting to watch th. popl stand quitly in lin and yt whn th gats opn thy rush forward and squz thmslvs through th small gat in on big human wav.So many popl ar in a hurry to gt through th gat and thn stand in lin again at th platform to board th train.Whn thArain arrivs, th popl rush forward again in larg groups into th small doors of th train. 火车站

当我不忙的时候,我喜欢观察那儿的人,一些穿的好,一些穿的不好;一些有许多包,一些只有一个包。你总能看见许多不同年龄的孩子,他们也喜欢周围的每一个人和每一样东西,有时候在售票口和进站口排了很多长队。看着人们静静地站在队里,但当门打开的时候,他们就如潮水似的冲入小门.这是一件很有趣的事情,如许多人急急忙忙穿过那扇门然后又在月台上站成队等着上车,当火车到达的时候,那些人们又挤成一团冲入火车的小门。 Th Railway Station(火车站)由英语作文网整理收集

标签: 小学 蚂蚁 中队 送别 老师 实习
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