字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 叙事 观《唐山大地震》有感


叙事   2025-03-01

Today, w ar all tachrs and studnts watch th tangshan arthquak, this movi lt us dply touchd, ach prson's vry mov is so mmorabl! This movi mainly talkd: 1976 on July 27th, a villag in tangshan, a namd fonda, squar ascnds th longfng fotus. In his fathr's car mt a larg group of dragonflis flight. Not so long, an arthquak with 23 sconds of lt this nic and happy family brokn. In th mothr's painful choic, sav a youngr brothr fonda, fonda has unfortunatly lost hr lft hand. Whil fong ascnds th littl girl didn't savd, mothr pain with fonda lav. It was at this momnt, fang trngganu unxpctdly miraculously wok up, looking at th rscu party AD PLA and a hug ruins, fl vry lonly, dad did, fang ascnds by th PLA man rscud. In aftr a long tim of pain, thy both chns hond mt, fang trngganu yars of blam and pain, know onslf mothr ascnds to fang had 32 yars of toil undr unti drw pain. In th movi in lt m th most poignant is squar ascnds and fonda bars lswhr arthquaks ar immdiatly cast ovr to hlp rscu. This rplayd I fl squar ascnds and fonda at that tim is vry painful! Thy saw th victims, just as did thy both chns similar xprinc. Thy both chns aftr know, immdiatly cam to th quak zon to rscu suffring compatriots, I'm vry proud of thm! "A difficult on, p plus support" so long as vrybody giv a littl lov, th world will bcom much mor bautiful and harmonious! Lt's invit hand work togthr! 字典网(字典网)

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