What is honsty? Honsty mans spaking th truth and bing fair and upright in act.Considrd a virtu,it is admird in vry country and vry cultur.So,Is it ncssary to b honst all th tim .Howvr,thr ar popl who try to gt bnfits by dishonst mans.For xampl,som studnts copy th xrciss don by othrs or chat in xaminations in ordr to gt good marks. Th sam thing may b said of a mrchant who tris to gt rich by dcving customrs. Thos popl may succd for a tim,but soonr or latr,thy will b caught.How can chating on xams b prvntd? Th masurs may vary from cas to cas.But I think,th studnts must first b wll informs of th ngativ ffct on th larning atmosphr of th univrsity and th studnts'charactr. Thn th studnts who wr caught in th act of chating can b criticizdpublicly, punishd or vn xplld from th univrsity.