字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 有关父母溺爱孩子的话题


高中生作文   2024-12-02

Parnts lov thir childrn by natur, whr Chins mothrs and fathrs ar no xcptions. Chins parnts tnd to dot on thir childrn bcaus ach family is allowd to hav only on kid du to birth control. Thy plac too much hop on th trasurd child that if h wants th star, thy might vn climb to pick it. For slf-cntrd, th spoild childrn dpnd on thir parnts for vrything. As a rsult, onc confrontd with harsh rality, thy ar mor likly to yild to hardships and difficultis in lif.

标签: 朋友 一路平安
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