字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 篮球比赛-The Basketball Game

篮球比赛-The Basketball Game

高中生作文   2025-02-02

Th Basktball Gam-篮球赛

Th gam was schduld to start at start at ight o’clock on Friday night. Long bfor that, popl bgan to arriv at th gymnasium. By svn-thirty th sats wr almost filld. Th school band was thr; thy wor yllow and black uniforms. Thy startd to play at about a quartr to ight. vrybody stood up, and th popl sang. Th gam was about to start. Two tams ran out to th floor. Th rfr blw his whistl, and th gam startd. A basktball gam is dividd into two halvs, and ach half is dividd into two quartrs. Thr is a rst priod btwn th halvs. During th first fiv minuts of th scond half, th scor was tid. From thn on, th gam was vry xciting. First on tam mad a baskt, thn th othr. Th popl chrd, and vrybody was wondring which tam was going to win. Th ball hit th rim of th baskt and smd to hang thr for a momnt, and thn it fll through th baskt. Th whistl blw and th gam was ovr. Hom tam won, 70 to 68.

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