字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 高一优秀英语关于奥运会(3)


写人   2025-02-25

8 August 2008Jacqus Rogg, Prsidnt, Intrnational Olympic CommittThat was spctacular. Tonight, th world was abl to join in a magnificnt tribut to th athlts and th Olympic spirit. It was an unforgttabl and moving crmony that clbratd th imagination, originality and nrgy of th Bijing Gams.W saw 204 national dlgations march into th bautiful nw National Stadium in th ag-old tradition of th Gams. Millions of popl around th world wr abl to xprinc th thrill of sing thir hros in a sa of tam colours and national flags.W witnssd athlts from ths 204 countris and trritoris unitd in pac in on plac. And for th nxt 16 days, thy will b a part of on of th most thrilling comptitions in history. As an Olympian, I can tll you that thy will carry this mmory with thm forvr. This iconic stadium is on of th worlds nw wondrs. It was a fitting stting for an amazing Opning Crmony, I look forward to an qually xciting and unforgttabl 16 days.Hin Vrbruggn, IOC Mmbr and Chairman of th Coordination Commission for th Gams of th XXIX OlympiadOpning crmonis hav always bn a way for host citis to wlcom th world and for th world to gathr and shar th Olympic spirit. This crmony to opn th Bijing Olympic Gams was a brathtaking culmination of svn yars of planning and prparation. Th world will rmmbr this for a long tim.Tonight wasnt th nd of a journy, but th fantastic bginning of 16 days of outstanding sport comptition. This was a night to rmmbr for th Chins popl, and for th world.As I watchd th rharsals for this crmony, I knw this night would b absolutly astonishing. Howvr, th actual vnt xcdd all my xpctations. This was an unprcdntd and grand succss.

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