字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Lets Repair It Together!

Lets Repair It Together!

初中生作文   2025-02-21

Lts Rpair It Togthr! Lt's Rpair It Togthr!

It was Monday. I got up vry arly and was th first to com to th classroom. Whn I cam to my dsk and was going to sit down, I found my chair was brokn. What could I do? At that

tim no on was around. I quickly changd my chair with Li Ming's and sat down to rad th book as if nothing had happnd.

My classmats cam in on aftr anothr. Aftr a whil, Li Ming cam. Whn h found his chair was brokn, h trid to rpair it. I didn't say a word but my fac turnd rd. Soon I ran to th tachr's offic and brought back a hammr. I said to I.i Ming, "Lt's rpair it togthr."

标签: 保护 母亲河 倡议书
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