字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 MY INTERESTS


初中生作文   2025-03-01

MY INTRSTSI hav a wid rang of intrsts and njoy doing many things in my fr tim.

I am a lovr of rading. I oftn rad aftr in my spar tim. I rad many kinds of books and nwspapr. I lik th storis and nws in thm vry much. Thr ar a lot of knowldg and intrsting things also.

I am also a music lovr. I lik all kinds of music. I oftn listn to th music programs on radio. Although I can’t sing nglish songs wll, I lik thm a lot.

I lik sports as wll. I oftn play badminton aftr classs in th aftrnoon. I oftn run in th morning. Whn I am doing sports, I forg all my troubl and worry. Of cours, sports can also hlp m in building my body.

In short, I njoy my lif hr in school. Rading books, listning to music and doing sports ar vry hlpful to my halth and my studis.

标签: 心爱
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