关于学生周末补习(On students to study on the weekends)
rcntly, thr was a discussion w hav had about whthr it is ncssary for snior thr studnts to study on th wknds.thr xist thr diffrnt viws. thirty prcnt of th studnts think going on with study on th wdnds can mak th most of ht limitd tim. aftr all, thr will b an important xam hld for th univrsity in jun. so sconds count in th limitd tim. but thirty prcnt of thm don't think so.thy gop to hav a good rst on th wknds. thn thy can hav a high fficincy to study with th fullst nrgy. bsids, forty prcnt of thm think it is bst for thm to study on day and th othr day to hav a rst. thn thy can dal with th study and th rst bttr.in my opinion, i agr to th third viw vry much, for w can study most and rlax ourslvs at th sam tim.
关于学生周末补习(On students to study on the weekends) 相关文章
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