字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 the Days Mr David in China

the Days Mr David in China

高中生作文   2025-02-19

Mr David cam to China, for th Mr. David 's scond tim, this spring. During his stay in China, h visitd svral citis. In Bijing h visitd th Grat Wll, and th nxt day h lft for Nanjing by train, whr h visitd th Nanjing Changjiang Rivr Bridg. Aftr that h travlld to Hangzhou by air and wnt sight-sing on th Wst Lak. Thn h got to Guangzhou by train and gav a rport on Amrican nglish. Latr h wnt to Shanghai by sa, and bought ovr tn books in Chins. Aftr two wks, Mr David rturnd to Bijing by plan.

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