传说故事丝绸的故事-The Story of Silk
②有一种说法是,一位年轻的公主在花园一边喝茶一边看着蚕(silkworm) 作茧。意外地有一个茧子掉进她的茶水里,热水把茧子给软化了。
Th Story of Silk
Th story of silk is a funny on.
About 4,000 yars ago th Chins discovrd th scrt of th cocoon. No on knows xactly how or whn this important discovry was mad. On story says that a young princss was drinking ta in hr gardn and watching silkworms spin cocoons. By chanc on droppd into hr ta and th hot ta mad it soft. Whn th girl trid to tak th cocoon out of hr ta, it bcam sparatd and sh pulld out a long silk thrad.
Th Chins larnd to wav th silk thrad into cloth. For 2,000 yars thy wr th only popl who knw how to mak silk. Th Chins mrchants sold silk cloth throughout Asia and urop and bcam rich.Silk was so xpnsiv that it was calld “th cloth of kings” .
vryon wantd to larn how to mak silk, but th Chins kpt th scrt carfully guardd①.
Finally th scrt was stoln. In th sixth cntury, two monks larnd about th silkworms and thir cocoons. Thy spnt svral yars in China and finaly found a way to tak som silkworm ggs out of th country. Th monks always carrid bamboo cans②. On day thy hid som ggs in th hollow cans, and walkd out of China with thm. It is said that th dvlopmnt of th silk industry in othr countris cam from thos fw ggs which th monks had carrid out of China.
①kpt th scrt carfully guardd 严守秘密
②bamboo cans 竹手杖