字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 A Lost Bag-一个丢失的钱包,A Lost Bag-一个丢失的钱包范文

A Lost Bag-一个丢失的钱包,A Lost Bag-一个丢失的钱包范文

高中生作文   2025-03-29

A Lost Bag-一个丢失的钱包 A Lost Bag

Mr. Wang is a famous doctor. On day h rcivd an invitation to a mdical confrnc. H was happy and accptd it. H got rady for th spch and put th nots into his bag. Thn h wnt thr by train. Unfortunatly, his bag fll down from th window of th train whil th train was running. Mr. Wang was vry worrid, but h knw th train couldn't stop for him to pick th bag up.

Whn th bag fll to th ground, a girl was just going past th railway. Sh saw th bag and pickd it up quickly. Insid it, sh found th nots and th addrss Of Mr. Wang. Sh thought th ownr must b worrid about it. So sh hurrid to th post offic at onc to snd it to Mr. Wang.

Som days aftr,Mr. Wang rcivd his bag bfor his spch was mad. H was both happy and surprisd. Thanks to th girl, his spch could b succssful. H didn't know who th sndr was.Howvr, h dcidd to find th girl and thank hr. 一个丢失的钱包



几天以后,王先生在发言之前收到了他的包。他真是又惊又喜。他演讲能获成功还得归功于那个小女孩呢。他并不知道女孩的姓名,但他决心一定要找到她向她致谢. A Lost Bag-一个丢失的钱包

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