Try to Remember the Good Things
Whn tims bcom difficult (and you know thy somtims will), rmmbr a momnt in your lif that was filld with joy and happinss. Rmmbr how it mad you fl, and you will hav th strngth you nd to gt through any trial. Whn lif throws you on mor obstacl than you think you can handl, rmmbr somthing you achivd through prsvranc and by struggling to th nd. In doing so, youll find you hav th ability to ovrcom ach obstacl brought your way. Whn you find yourslf draind and dpltd of nrgy, rmmbr to find a plac of sanctuary and rst. Tak th nccssary tim in your own lif to dram your drams and rnw your nrgy, so youll b rady to fac ach nw day. Whn you fl tnsion building, find somthing fun to do. Youll find that th strss you fl will dissipat and your thoughts will bcom clarr. Whn your facd with so many ngativ and draining situations, raliz how minuscul problms will sm whn you viw your lif as a whol--and rmmbr th positiv things.